
トップページ > 診療科・部門 > 診療科(外科系) > 外科 > 肝胆膵外科 > 研究実績・活動実績









(Kumazawa K, et al. hepatology research.42.1081-88. 2012.)



  1. Aso K, Ito K, Takemura N, Tsukada K, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Oka S, Kokudo N.
    Outcomes following cholecystectomy in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients treated with antiretroviral therapy: A retrospective cohort study.
    Glob Health Med. 4(6): 309-314, 2022
  2. Sugita A, Inagaki FF, Takemura N, Nakamura M, Ito K, Mihara F, Yamamoto K, Morioka S, Kokudo N.
    Liver resection in a patient with persistent positive PCR test for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a case report.
    Surg Case Rep. 8(1): 200, 2022
  3. Norimatsu Y, Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS) Predicts Postoperative Major Complications After Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Surgery in the Elderly. World J Surg.
    46(11): 2788-2796, 2022
  4. Miyazaki T, Takemura N, Mihara F, Ito K, Miyazaki H, Igari T, Kokudo N.
    Surgical treatment for a rare case of duodenal gangliocytic paraganglioma accompanied with lymph node metastasis.
    Clin J Gastroenterol. 15(4): 712-716, 2022
  5. Takemura N, Ito K, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Added value of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in liver surgery.
    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 21(4): 310-317, 2022
  6. Nakamura Y, Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Elevation in creatine kinase isoenzyme-MM associated with hepatocellular carcinoma: a case report and review of literature.
    Clin J Gastroenterol. 15(2): 460-466, 2022
  7. Nakamura M, Ito K, Takemura N, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Hepatectomy for liver metastases from cervical cancer with portal vein tumor thrombosis: a case report.
    Clin J Gastroenterol. 15(2):441-445, 2022
  8. Seki S, Ito K,Takemura N, Oikawa R, Koutake H, Mihara F, Yagi J, Nakanishi M, Tomio K, Oishi H, Kokudo N.
    Laparoscopic hemostasis for abdominal brunt massive hemorrhage due to endometriosis.
    Asian J Endosc Surg. 15(2): 376-379, 2022
  9. Takemura N, Saiura A, Ito H, Ito K, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Yagi S, Enomoto N, Nohara K, Inoue Y, Takahashi Y, Yamada K, Kokudo N.
    Proposal of new treatment algorithm for gastric cancer liver metastases: Up-front surgery or conversion surgery? Glob Health Med.
    4(1): 57-60, 2022
  10. Oikawa R, Ito K, Takemura N, Mihara F, Shida Y, Tajima T, Kokudo N.
    Risk Factors of Atherosclerotic Celiac Artery Stenosis Among Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy.
    Pancreas. 51(2): e15-e17, 2022
  11. Inagaki FF, Kato T, Furusawa A, Okada R, Wakiyama H, Furumoto H, Okuyama S, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H.
    Disialoganglioside GD2-Targeted Near-Infrared Photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) in Tumors of Neuroectodermal Origin.
    Pharmaceutics. 14(10): 2037, 2022
  12. Yamada K, Hara T, Sato K, Koyama Y, Kato D, Nohara K, Enomoto N, Yagi S, Kitagawa D, Takemura N, Nagasaka S, Kiyomatsu T, Kokudo N.
    Infection control of COVID-19 in operating theaters in a designated hospital for specified infectious diseases in Japan.
    Glob Health Med. 4(6): 332-335, 2022
  13. Nohara K, Takemura N, Ito K, Oikawa R, Yagi S, Wake H, Enomoto N, Yamada K, Kokudo N.
    Bowel perfusion demonstrated using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in two cases of strangulated ileus.
    Clin J Gastroenterol. 15(5): 886-889, 2022
  14. Chujo D, Kurokawa T, Kawabe A, Takahashi N, Inagaki F, Shinohara K, Hagiwara S, Edamoto Y, Ohmagari N, Hinoshita F, Tajima T, Kajio H, Ohtsu H, Takemura N, Matsumoto S, Shimoda M.
    Allogeneic islet transplantation with monitoring of islet-specific cellular autoimmunity in a Japanese patient with type 1 diabetes: A case report.
    J Diabetes Investig. 13(4): 741-745, 2022
  15. Yoshimoto-Haramura T, Hidaka M, Hasegawa K, Suzumura K, Takemura N, Hama N, Mizuno T, Nomi T, Kobayashi T, Sano K, Yokomizo H, Nitta H, Kurata M, Hasegawa Y, Nagayama M, Tani M, Fukumoto T, Ohta M, Hayashi H, Taniguchi H, Ishino S, Aihara T, Murase T, Tsuchida A, Shimamura T, Marubashi S, Kaneko J, Hara T, Matsushima H, Soyama A, Endo T, Eguchi S.J
    National survey of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery in hemophilia patients in Japan.
    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 29(3): 385-393, 2022
  16. Nassar A, Cimpean S, Abdelhamid A, Jones RP, Wahba R, Fiorentini G, Aldrighetti L, Teh C, Alikhanov R, Hammond J, Silva M, Abdelmabod A, Truant S, Ferrero A, Sturesson C, Ahmed I, Ghazanfar M, Takemura N, Pawlik TM, Bekheit M.
    The dilemma of the disappeared colorectal liver metastasis: systematic review of reviews and evidence gap map.
    BJS Open. 6(3): zrac051, 2022


  1. 竹村信行
    【改訂:肝癌診療ガイドライン】治療アルゴリズム 消化器・肝臓内科(2432-3446)11巻1号 Page80-85(2022.01)
  2. 竹村信行, 齋浦昭雄, 山田和彦, 伊藤寛倫, 國土典宏 
    【臨床胃癌学-基礎・臨床の最新動向-】胃癌の治療 外科治療・内視鏡治療 肝転移に対する至適な外科治療基準は?
    日本臨床(0047-1852)80巻増刊3 臨床胃癌学 Page240-244(2022.03)
  3. 竹村信行, 伊藤橋司, 國土典宏
    【高難度肝胆膵外科手術アトラス2022】肝臓 基本手技 Clamp crushing法による肝離断(図説) 
    手術(0037-4423)76巻4号 Page445-453(2022.04)
  4. 竹村信行, 國土典宏
    【原発性肝癌診療ガイドラインを読み解く】肝癌診療ガイドライン第5版 肝癌治療アルゴリズム 
    外科(0016-593X)84巻9号 Page924-930(2022.08)
  5. 三浦聡美, 伊藤橋司, 竹村信行, 三原史規, 出口勝也, 清松知充, 國土典宏 
    日本外科系連合学会誌(0385-7883)47巻1号 Page66-75(2022.02)
  6. 伊藤橋司, 竹村信行, 長谷川潔
    【改訂:肝癌診療ガイドライン】肝癌診療ガイドライン(第5版) 改訂にあたって(解説) 
    消化器・肝臓内科(2432-3446)11巻1号 Page68-74(2022.01)
  7. 小野英哉斗, 竹村信行, 三原史規, 伊藤橋司, 國土典宏 
    日本外科系連合学会誌(0385-7883)47巻4号 Page584-590(2022.08)
  8. 國土典宏, 竹村信行
    【肝臓外科におけるスタンダード肝切除】総論 肝切除の歴史と将来展望
    手術(0037-4423)76巻8号 Page1129-1135(2022.07)


  1. Nobuyuki Takemura, Kyoji Ito, Norihiro Kokudo (2022) Modified ALPPS Procedure. p285-288 In: Makuuchi M, Kokudo N, et al (eds) The IASGO Textbook of Multi-Disciplinary Management of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Diseases. ISBN: 978-981-19-0063-1
  2. Takemura N, Kokudo N (2022) Simulation and Navigation. P35-41. In: Jean-Nicolas Vauthey, Yoshikuni Kawaguchi, and Rene Adam. (eds) Colorectal Liver Metastasis. Spronger, ISBN 978-3-031-09322-7



  1. Takemura N, Saiura A, Ito H, Ito K, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Yagi S, Enomoto N, Nohara K, Inoue Y, Takahashi Y, Yamada K, Kokudo N.
    Proposal of new treatment algorithm for gastric cancer liver metastases: Up-front surgery or conversion surgery?
    Glob Health Med. 2021, in press. DOI: 10.35772/ghm.2021.01102
  2. Takemura N, Ito K, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Added value of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging in liver surgery.
    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2021 Dec 16:S1499-3872(21)00232-0.
  3. Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Shida Y, Tajima T, Kokudo N.
    Diagnosis of celiac artery stenosis using multidetector computed tomography and evaluation of the collateral arteries within the mesopancreas of patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy.
    Clin Anat. 2021 Oct;34(7):1035-1042.
  4. Sato F, Ito K, Takemura N, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Idiopathic Spontaneous Intrahepatic Hemorrhage Initially Diagnosed as a Liver Neoplasm.
    Am Surg. 2021 Jan 27:3134820982846
  5. Terayama M, Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Preserving inferior right hepatic vein enabled bisegmentectomy 7 and 8 without venous congestion: a case report.
    Surg Case Rep. 2021 Apr 21;7(1):101
  6. Ito K, Takemura N, Oikawa R, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Detailed anatomy and procedure of celiac artery decompression in median arcuate ligament syndrome.
    Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2021 May 13.
  7. Komiyama S, Yamada T, Takemura N, Kokudo N, Hase K, Kawamura YI.
    Profiling of tumour-associated microbiota in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Sci Rep. 2021 May 19;11(1):10589.
  8. Sumiya R, Ito K, Takemura N, Miyazaki H, Arakawa R, Kato N, Aozasa N, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Seventeen primary malignant neoplasms involving the skin, ovary, esophagus, colon, oral cavity, and ear canal: a case report and review of the literature.
    Clin J Gastroenterol. 2021 May 21. Epub ahead of print.
  9. Ito K, Takemura N, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N.
    COVID-19 and liver surgery in France, Italy, Japan, and the United States: A report of a single topic conference of Eastern and Western Association for Liver Tumors (EWALT) 2021.
    Glob Health Med. 2021 Aug 31;3(4):240-242.
  10. Imokawa T, Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kokudo N.
    Xanthogranulomatous Pancreatitis Accompanied by Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis: A Case Report and Literature Review.
    Pancreas. 2021 Aug 1;50(7):1037-1041.
  11. Seki S, Ito K, Takemura N, Oikawa R, Koutake H, Mihara F, Yagi J, Nakanishi M, Tomio K, Oishi H, Kokudo N.
    Laparoscopic hemostasis for abdominal brunt massive hemorrhage due to endometriosis.
    Asian J Endosc Surg. 2021 Nov 3. Epub ahead of print.
  12. Nakayama T, Ito K, Inagaki F, Miyake W, Katagiri D, Mihara F, Takemura N, Kokudo N.
    Title: Pheochromocytoma Crisis Rescued by Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy.
    Am Surg. 2021 Dec 28:31348211063573. Epub ahead of print.
  13. Inagaki FF, Takemura N, Ito K, Mihara F, Kurokawa T, Kokudo N.
    Intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence navigation facilitates complete removal of lymph node metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Glob Health Med. 2021 Dec 31;3(6):406-408.


  1. 竹村 信行, 伊藤 橋司, 三原 史規, 清松 知充, 山田 和彦, 國土 典宏
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌82巻3号 Page629-634
  2. 竹村 信行, 三原 史規, 伊藤 橋司, 小林 憲太郎, 佐々木 亮, 木村 昭夫, 清松 知充, 山田 和彦, 國土 典宏
    外科83巻9号 Page957-961(2021.08)



  1. Kobayashi K, Kaneko J, Yamaguchi T, Kawaguchi Y, Arita J, Akamatsu N, Ishizawa T, Sekine R, Ijichi H, Kubota N, Fukatsu K, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K.
    Late-Evening Carbohydrate and Branched-Chain Amino Acid Snacks Improve the Nutritional Status of Patients Undergoing Hepatectomy Based on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis of Body Composition.
    Gastrointest Tumors. 6(3-4), Oct, 2019.
  2. Kudo M, Ikeda M, Ueshima K, Sakamoto M, Shiina S, Tateishi R, Hasegawa K, Furuse J, Miyayama S, Murakami T, Yamashita T, Kokudo N.
    Response Evaluation Criteria in Cancer of the Liver version 5 (RECICL 2019 revised version).
    Hepatol Res. 49(9), Sep, 2019.
  3. Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kurokawa T, Gohda Y, Kiyomatsu T, Yano H, Kokudo N.
    Hepatectomy for metachronous colorectal liver metastases following complete cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal metastases: a report of three cases.
    World J Surg Oncol. 17(1), Jun, 2019.
  4. Ito D, Arita J, Yamamoto M, Akamatsu N, Kaneko J, Ijichi H, Kubota N, Sakamoto Y, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K.
    Effect of home enteral nutrition after pancreaticoduodenectomy.
    Nutrition. 60, Apr, 2019.
  5. Ito K, Takemura N, Inagaki F, Mihara F, Kurokawa T, Kokudo N.
    Arterial blood supply to the pancreas from accessary middle colic artery.
    Pancreatology. 19(5), Jul, 2019.
  6. Kudo M, Izumi N, Kubo S, Kokudo N, Sakamoto M, Shiina S, Tateishi R, Nakashima O, Murakami T, Matsuyama Y, Takahashi A, Miyata H, Takayama T.
    Report of the 20th Nationwide follow-up survey of primary liver cancer in Japan.
    Hepatol Res. 50(1), Jan, 2020.
  7. Shirata C, Hasegawa K, Halkic N, Kokudo N.
    Laennec's capsule does not exist around the peripheral hepatic veins.
    J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 26(10), Oct, 2019.
  8. Kawaguchi Y, Hasegawa K, Tzeng CD, Mizuno T, Arita J, Sakamoto Y, Chun YS, Aloia TA, Kokudo N, Vauthey JN.
    Performance of a modified three-level classification in stratifying open liver resection procedures in terms of complexity and postoperative morbidity.
    Br J Surg. 107(3), Feb, 2020.
  9. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Ito K, Mihara F.
    The history of liver surgery: Achievements over the past 50 years.
    Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 4(2), Feb, 2020.
  10. Miura S, Ito K, Takemura N, Mihara F, Kiyomatsu T, Kokudo N.
    Complete remission of multiple liver metastases with only partial response of the primary rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
    Surg Case Rep. 6(1), Feb, 2020.
  11. Kawaguchi Y, Tzeng CD, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Vauthey JN.
    Author response to: Comment on: Performance of a modified three-level classification in stratifying open liver resection procedures in terms of complexity and postoperative morbidity.
    Br J Surg. 107(4), Mar, 2020.
  12. Takemura N, Aoki T, Hasegawa K, Kaneko J, Arita J, Akamatsu N, Makuuchi M, Kokudo N.
    Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma after perioperative management of portal hypertension.
    Br J Surg. 106(8), Jul, 2019.
  13. Aoki T, Kubota K, Hasegawa K, Kubo S, Izumi N, Kokudo N, Sakamoto M, Shiina S, Takayama T, Nakashima O, Matsuyama Y, Murakami T, Kudo M; Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan.
    Significance of the surgical hepatic resection margin in patients with a single hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Br J Surg. 107(1), Jan, 2020.
  14. Kudo M, Ueshima K, Ikeda M, Torimura T, Tanabe N, Aikata H, Izumi N, Yamasaki T, Nojiri S, Hino K, Tsumura H, Kuzuya T, Isoda N, Yasui K, Aino H, Ido A, Kawabe N, Nakao K, Wada Y, Yokosuka O, Yoshimura K, Okusaka T, Furuse J, Kokudo N, Okita K, Johnson PJ, Arai Y; TACTICS study group.
    Randomised, multicentre prospective trial of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) plus sorafenib as compared with TACE alone in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: TACTICS trial.
    Gut. gutjnl-2019, Dec, 2019.
  15. Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka S, Fuks D, Kanazawa A, Takeda Y, Hirokawa F, Nitta H, Nakajima T, Kaizu T, Kaibori M, Kojima T, Otsuka Y, Kubo S, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Kaneko H, Wakabayashi G, Gayet B.
    Validation and performance of three-level procedure-based classification for laparoscopic liver resection.
    Surg Endosc. 34(5), Jul, 2019.
  16. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Hasegawa K, Takayama T, Kubo S, Shimada M, Nagano H, Hatano E, Izumi N, Kaneko S, Kudo M, Iijima H, Genda T, Tateishi R, Torimura T, Igaki H, Kobayashi S, Sakurai H, Murakami T, Watadani T, Matsuyama Y.
    Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Japan Society of Hepatology 2017 (4th JSH-HCC Guidelines) a 2019 update.
    Hepatology Research. 49(10), Oct, 2019.
  17. Kokudo N, Hara T.
    "History, Tradition, and Progress": The ceremony of 150th Anniversary of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine held in Tokyo, Japan.
    Bioscience trends. 14;13(1), Mar, 2019.
  18. Takemura N, Kokudo N.
    Do we need to shift from dye injection to fluorescence in respective liver surgery?
    Surgical Oncology. 2019.
  19. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Ito K, Mihara F.
    The History of Liver Surgery: Achievements Over the Past 50 Years.
    Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 26;4(2):, Feb , 2019.
  20. Takemura N, Saiura A.
    Role of surgical resection for non-colorectal non-neuroendocrine liver metastases.
    World J Hepatol. 9(5): 242-251, 2017.
  21. Takemura N, Saiura A, Koga R, Yamamoto J, Yamaguchi T.
    Risk factors for and management of postpancreatectomy hepatic steatosis.
    Scand J Surg. 06(3):224-229, 2016.
  22. Takemura N, Miki K, Kosuge T.
    New Portal-Superior Mesenteric Vein Reconstructions Using First Jejunal Vein Flap in Pancreaticoduodenectomy.
    World J Surg. 40(6):1462-6, 2016.
  23. Nagata N, Kawazoe A, Mishima S, Wada T, Shimbo T, Sekine K, Watanabe K, Imbe K, Kojima Y, Kumazawa K, Mihara F, Tokuhara M, Edamoto Y, Igari T, Yanase M, Mizokami M, Akiyama J, Uemura N.
    Development of pancreatic cancer, Disease-specific mortality, and all-cause mortality in patients with nonresected IPMNs: A long-term cohort study.
    Radiology. 278(1):125-134, 2016.
  24. Takemura N, Hasegawa K, Aoki T, Sakamoto Y, Sugawara Y, Makuuchi M, Kokudo N.
    Long-term outcomes after surgical resection for peritoneal or thoracoabdominal wall implantations from hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Br J Surg. 101(8):1017-22, 2014.
  25. Kokudo T, Hasegawa K, Yamamoto S, Shindoh J, Takemura N, Aoki T, Sakamoto Y, Makuuchi M, Sugawara Y, Kokudo N.
    Surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with hepatic vein tumor thrombosis.
    J Hepatol. 61(3):583-8, 2014.
  26. Takemura N, Saiura A, Koga R, Yoshioka R, Yamamoto J, Kokudo N.
    Repeat hepatectomy for recurrent liver metastasis from gastric carcinoma.
    World J Surg. 37(11):2664-70, 2013.
  27. Takemura N, Saiura A, Koga R, Arita J, Yoshioka R, Ono Y, Sano T, Yamamoto J, Kokudo N, Yamaguchi T.
    Long-term results of hepatic resection for non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine liver metastasis.
    Hepatogastroenterology. 60(127):1705-12, 2013.
  28. Okamoto M, Kishimoto M, Takahashi Y, Osame K, Noto H, Yamamoto-Honda R, Kajio H, Tokuhara M, Edamoto Y, Endo H, Igari T, Kubota K, Noda M.
    A case of malignant insulinoma: successful control of glycemic fluctuation by replacing octreotide injections with octreotide LAR injections.
    Endocr J. 60(8):951-7, 2013.
  29. Takemura N, Saiura A, Koga R, Arita J, Yoshioka R, Ono Y, Hiki N, Sano T, Yamamoto J, Kokudo N, Yamaguchi T.
    Long-term outcomes after surgical resection for gastric cancer liver metastasis: an analysis of 64 macroscopically complete resections.
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    Liver analysis using gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: Correlation with histological grading and quantitative liver evaluation prior to hepatectomy.
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  1. 永田宗大,伊藤橋司,三原史規,黒川敏昭,野崎雄一,柳瀬幹雄,田島強,猪狩亮,中本貴人,竹村信行,國土典宏 柳瀬幹雄,田島強,猪狩亮,中本貴人,竹村信行,國土典宏
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    The Liver Cancer Journal. 7(1):9-15, 2015.
  9. 枝元 良広, 三原 史規.
    【最も古く最も新しい中心静脈ラインPICC】 PICCの合併症とその予防・対処法 二大合併症に注目して.
    LiSA. 21(2):124-127, 2014.
  10. 枝元 良広, 徳原 真.
    【最も古く最も新しい中心静脈ラインPICC】 traditional PICCの臨床 合併症の少ない, 万能デバイス.
    LiSA. 21(2):108-110, 2014.
  11. 枝元 良広.
    合併症、患者ストレスの少ない 末梢挿入式の中心静脈カテーテルの使い方(第1回) PICCを用いた末梢静脈からの中心静脈カテーテル挿入とは.
    レジデントノート. 16(1):118-119, 2014.
  12. 枝元 良広.
    看護に役立つ エコーの読み方 活かし方.
    真田弘美 編, 照林社, 97-101, 2013.
  13. 野崎 雄一, 正木 尚彦, 小島 康志, 今村 雅俊, 蓮尾 金博, 藤井 丈士, 河合 繁夫, 望月 眞, 熊澤 慶吾, 徳原 真, 枝元 良広, 溝上 雅史, 柳瀬 幹雄.
    Liver cancer. 18(1):23-35, 2012.
  14. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 三原 史規, 徳原 真, 野崎 雄一, 柳瀬 幹雄, 中山 智博, 蓮尾 金博, 飯塚 利彦, 望月 眞.
    Liver cancer. 18(2):189-198, 2012.
  15. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 牛島 泰宏, 蓮尾 金博, 飯塚 利彦, 望月 眞.
    Liver Cancer. 17(2):124-132, 2011.
  16. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 伊藤和幸, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 牛島 泰宏, 蓮尾 金博, 飯塚 利彦, 望月 眞.
    術前化学療法後の肝実質変化をGd-EOB-DTPA MRIにて確認し得た大腸癌肝転移の1切除例.
    Liver Cancer. 17(1):48-54, 2011.
  17. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 伊藤 和幸, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 牛島 泰宏, 蓮尾 金博, 飯塚 利彦, 望月 眞.
    Liver Cancer. 16(2):144-152, 2010.
  18. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 堀江 智子, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 朝山 直樹, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 牛島 泰宏, 蓮尾 金博, 望月 眞.
    Liver Cancer. 16(1):18-24, 2010.
  19. 枝元 良広, 熊澤 慶吾, 三原 史規, 須田 竜一郎, 橋本 政典, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    敗血症性ショック症例におけるSurgicalSite Infectionと医療経済の問題点.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 6(6):631-636, 2009.
  20. 枝元 良広, 三原 史規, 橋本 政典, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫, 黒田 恵美, 照屋 勝治, 切替 照雄.
    MRSA, 緑膿菌感染症制御対策におけるICT活動とMDRP集団感染事例.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 6(3):223-231, 2009.
  21. 枝元 良広, 三原 史規, 畑 太悟, 橋本 政典, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 6(2):111-118, 2009.
  22. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 三原 史規, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 大島 隆夫, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 相部 仁, 蓮尾 金博, 星本 和種、望月 眞, 遠藤 久子.
    Liver Cancer. 15(1):101-107, 2009.
  23. 熊澤 慶吾, 枝元 良広, 三原 史規, 和田 佐保, 日野原 千速, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 大島 隆夫, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 相部 仁, 蓮尾 金博, 星本 和種, 望月 眞, 遠藤久子.
    Liver Cancer. 15(2):216-221, 2009.
  24. 須田 竜一郎, 枝元 良広, 合田 良政, 及川 芳徳, 三宅 大, 杉浦 良子, 山澤 邦宏, 橋本 政典, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 5(1):11-17, 2008.
  25. 須田 竜一郎, 枝元 良広, 長谷川 智彦, 谷岡 俊朗, 腰野 蔵人, 今村 雅子, 杉浦 良子, 石曽根 浩明, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    ICUとCCU. 32:286-288, 2008.
  26. 合田 良政, 枝元 良広, 須田 竜一郎, 及川 芳徳, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 幸夫.
    ICUとCCU. 32:283-285, 2008.
  27. 三原 史規, 枝元 良広, 清水 利夫, 日野原 千速, 三宅 大, 斉藤 幸夫.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 4(1):1-5, 2007.
  28. 合田 良政, 枝元 良広, 谷岡 利明, 須田 竜一郎, 三宅 大, 寺島 裕夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    ICUとCCU. 31:258-259, 2007.
  29. 須田 竜一郎, 枝元 良広, 今村 雅子, 畑 太悟, 室川 剛広, 及川 芳徳, 三宅 大, 久島 昭浩, 竹下 恵美子, 寺島 裕夫, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫.
    ICUとCCU. 31:256-257, 2007.
  30. 野崎 雄一, 枝元 良広, 正田 良介, 畑 太悟, 柳瀬 幹雄, 正木 尚彦, 寺島 裕夫, 相部 仁, 蓮尾 金博, 飯塚 利彦, 望月 眞, 上村 直実, 斉藤 幸夫.
    Liver Cancer. 13(2):194-202, 2007.
  31. 合田 良政, 枝元 良広, 谷岡 利明, 須田 竜一郎, 谷昌尚, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫, 寺島 裕夫, 松原 大祐, 望月 眞.
    Liver Cancer. 13(1):59-67, 2007.
  32. 山澤 邦宏, 寺島 裕夫, 横畠 徳祐, 野地 秀一, 須田 竜一郎, 徳原 真, 枝元 良広, 斉藤 幸夫, 清水 利夫, 斉藤 澄.
    Groove pancreatitisとの鑑別に苦慮したまれな副膵管領域原発膵癌の1切除例 自験例を含めた本邦報告10例のまとめと共に.
    膵臓. 22(1):65-73, 2007.
  33. 三原 史規, 枝元 良広, 清水 利夫, 日野原 千速, 三宅 大, 斉藤 幸夫.
    日本外科感染症学会雑誌. 4(1):1-5, 2007.


  1. 國土典宏.
    ビデオシンポジウム08-1「スーパー外科医たちの高難度手術手技 肝臓外科」.
    第81回日本臨床外科学会総会 2019.11.14-16 高知. 11, 2019.