
トップページ > 診療科・部門 > 診療科(内科系) > 乳腺・腫瘍内科 > 研究実績・活動実績



  1. 令和4-7年度 厚生労働科研費 HIV 感染血友病に対する悪性腫瘍スクリーニング法と非侵襲的治療法の確立のための研究 (分担)
  2. 令和4-6年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業  高齢者HER2陽性進行乳癌に対するT-DM1療法とペルツズマブ+トラスツズマブ+ドセタキセル療法のランダム化比較第Ⅲ相試験(分担)
  3. 令和2年度厚生労働科研費(がん対策推進総合研究事業)
  4. 令和2年度 国立高度専門医療研究センター医療研究連携推進本部横断的研究推進費
  5. 令和2-4年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  6. 令和2-4年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金がん対策推進総合研究事業
  7. 令和2-4年度 厚生労働科学研究費補助金政策科学総合研究事業(臨床研究等ICT基盤構築・人工知能実装研究事業)
  8. 令和2-4年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  9. 令和1-3年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  10. 令和1-3年度 横断的組織運営費交付金 実装科学推進のための基盤構築事業(分担)
  11. 平成31-令和4年度 科学研究費助成事業若手研究
  12. 平成31年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  13. 平成30-令和2年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  14. 平成30-令和2年度 厚生労働科学研究事業(がん対策推進総合研究事業)
  15. 平成30-令和1年度 日本乳癌学会
  16. 平成30-令和2年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金(がん政策研究事業)
  17. 平成30-令和2年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金(がん対策推進総合研究事業)
  18. 平成30年度 AMED(革新的がん医療実用化研究事業)
  19. 平成30年度 AMED(革新的がん医療実用化研究事業)
  20. 平成29-31年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金(がん対策推進総合研究事業)
  21. 平成28-30年度 国立がん研究センター開発費
  22. 平成27-30年度 基盤研究(C)
  23. 平成29/30年度 日本医療研究開発機構研究費革新的がん医療実用化研究事業
  24. 高齢者HER2陽性進行乳癌に対するT-DM1とペルツズマブ+トラスツズマブ+ドセタキセル療法のランダム化比較第Ⅲ相試験(JCOG1607)研究事務局, UMIN000030783, 日本臨床腫瘍研究グループ, 2018/1/12


  1. 日本癌治療学会編:小児、思春期・若年がん患者の妊孕性温存に関する診療ガイドライン2017年版
  2. 日本がん・生殖医療学会編:乳癌患者の妊娠・出産と生殖医療に関する診療ガイドライン 2021年版
  3. 日本がんサポ―ティブケア学会編 がん治療におけるアピアランスケアガイドライン 2021版
  4. 日本遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌総合診療精度機構:遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌(HBOC)診療ガイドライン2021年版
  5. 日本臨床腫瘍学会/日本癌治療学会:高齢者のがん薬物療法ガイドライン
  6. 日本癌治療学会:小児、思春期・若年がん患者の妊孕性温存に関する診療ガイドライン2017年版
  7. 日本がん・生殖医療学会:乳がん患者の妊娠出産と生殖医療に関する診療の手引き 2017年版
  8. 国立がん研究センター研究開発費 がん患者の外見支援に関するガイドラインの構築に向けた研究班編 がん患者に対するアピアランスケアのてびき2016年版
  9. 「乳癌患者における妊孕性保持支援のための治療選択および患者支援プログラム・関係ガイドラインの開発」班, 日本がん・生殖医療学会:乳がん患者の妊娠出産と生殖医療に関する診療の手引き 2014年版
  10. 厚生労働省科学研究費補助金がん対策推進総合研究事業 「総合的な思春期・若年成人(AYA)世代のがん対策のあり方に関する研究」班 AYA世代のがん対策に関する政策提言(平成28年9月)


  1. 清水千佳子。POSITIVE試験(Pregnancy Outcome and Safety of Interrupting Therapy for women with endocrine responsIVE breast cancer-IBCSG 48-14-)初回解析結果のアンコール報告。2023年2月25日。第13回日本がん・生殖医療学会学術集会(埼玉)シンポジウム
  2. 清水千佳子。乳癌のがん・生殖医療。2022年8月20日 第41回日本思春期学会・学術集会(オンライン)シンポジウム
  3. Shimizu C. Management of very young (under 35-year-old) HR-positive and HER2-negative early BC patients: 2022年7月1日 第30回日本乳癌学会学術集会(横浜) GBCC(KBCS)/JBCS Joint Session.
  4. 河村 雪乃、飛田 陽、川野 純子、大井 恭代、相良 安昭、下村 昭彦. 「日本人BRCA1/2変異乳癌患者組織における免疫細胞発現の検討」2022年 日本乳癌学会
  5. 安藤健樹、下村昭彦、大津洋、米本直裕、佐瀬一洋、清水千佳子. 日本の肉腫患者に対する高用量アントラサイクリン投与および心毒性発現状況に関するリアル・ワールド・データ研究. 第5回日本腫瘍循環器学会学術集会. オンライン, 9月, 2022.
  6. 安藤健樹、赤川由里、那須涼、島津浩、栂野富輝、半下石明. 胃限局の成人T細胞白血病/リンパ腫を発症した高齢女性の一例. 第18回日本血液学会関東甲信越地方会. 東京, 3月, 2023.
  7. Pagani O, Partridge A, Niman SM, Ruggeri M, Peccatori FA, Azim HA, Colleoni M, Saura C, Shimizu C, Saetersdal A, Kroep J, Mailliez A, Warner E, Borges VF, Amant F, Gombos A, Kataoka A, Rousset-Jablonski C, Borstnar S, Takei J, Lee JE, Walshe J, Borrego MR, Moore H, Saunders C, Bjelic-Radisic V, Susnjar S, Cardoso F, Smith KL, Vilarino TF, Ribi K, Ruddy K, El-Abed S, Piccart M, Kored LA, Goldhirsch A, Gelber RD. Pregnancy Outcome and Safety of Interrupting Therapy for women with endocrine responsIVE breast cancer: Primary Results from the POSITIVE Trial (IBCSG 48-14 / BIG 8-13). 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (Abst GS4-9)
  8. Johnston S, Toi M, O’Shaughnessy J, Rastogi P, Campone M, Neven P, Huang CS, Houber J, Jliffe GG, Goets MP, Rugo H, Senkus E, Testa L, Del Mastro L, Shimizu C, Wei R, Shahir A, Munos M, San Antonio B, Andre V, Harbeck N, Martin M. Abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy for HR+, HER2-, node-positive, high-risk early breast cancer: results from a pre-planned monarchE overall survival interim analysis, including 4-year efficacy outcomes. 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (Abst GS1-09)
  9. Ando K, Shimomura A, Watanabe K, Tsukada K, Teruya K, Shimizu C. Malignant diseases diagnosed in people living with HIV in Japan.  ESMO Asia Congress 2022, Singapore, Dec, 2022.
  10. 下村昭彦. 乳がん早期診断とリキッドバイオプシー. 第28回乳腺疾患研究会. オンライン, 3月, 2022.
  11. 下村昭彦. オンライン時代のワークショップファシリテーション概論. 日本臨床腫瘍薬学会学術集会2022(シンポジウム). 仙台, 3月, 2022.
  12. 下村昭彦, 大津洋, 清水千佳子,佐瀬一洋. レセプトデータベースを用いたAYA世代がんサバイバーの保険離脱率の検討. 第4回AYAがんの医療と支援のあり方研究会学術集会. オンライン, 3月, 2022.
  13. Shimomura, A. Current status and challenges of HBOC treatment; perspectives from breast oncologist(会長特別企画). 第19回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会. 京都, 2月, 2022.
  14. 下村昭彦, 大津洋, 清水千佳子, 岩田慎太郎, 鈴木達也, 佐瀬一洋. 日本人AYAがんサバイバーの長期心毒性と生存への影響. 第19回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会. 京都, 2月, 2022.
  15. 谷山智子, ほか. 小児がん経験者の成人医療移行(トランジション)に対する当院の取り組み−モデル事業参加機関としての経験から. 第19回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会. 京都, 2月, 2022.
  16. 下村昭彦. COVID-19流行下における乳がん診療(シンポジウム1). 第17回日本乳癌学会関東地方会. 横浜, 12月, 2021.
  17. 下村昭彦. 乳がん診療における遺伝子パネル検査の適応と課題(医療スタッフセミナー3). 第17回日本乳癌学会関東地方会. 横浜, 12月, 2021.
  18. 安藤健樹, 下村昭彦, 河村雪乃, 橋本一樹, 石橋祐子, 中山可南子, 北川大, 清水千佳子. 第29回乳癌学会学術総会. 横浜, 7月, 2021.
  19. 河村雪乃, 森田翠, 樋口徹, 徳田恵美, 堀本義哉, 尾林紗弥香, 関根克敏, 下村昭彦Postoperative endocrine therapy for elderly patients could relate to overall survival or obesity. 第29回乳癌学会学術総会. 横浜, 7月, 2021.
  20. 下村昭彦. COVID-19流行下におけるがん医療(特別企画「コロナ禍と支持療法」). 第6回がんサポーティブケア学会. オンライン, 5月, 2021.
  21. Akihiko Shimomura. Forming a Multidisciplinary Team for Breast Cancer Treatment(Panel Discussion 6). 10th Global Breast Cancer Conference. Seoul(Hybrid), 4月, 2021.
  22. Shimomura A, Nagahashi M, Kumamaru H, Yamamoto Y, Jinno H, Imoto S.
    Clinicopathological characteristics of male breast cancer in Japan from the national clinical database. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2020
  23. 下村昭彦.
    がん治療における患者力向上のための医療者の役割. 第34回日本がん看護学会学術集会. 東京, 2月, 2020.
  24. Nakayama K, Shimizu C, Iino K, Watanuki S, Sawaki M.
    Survey on attitude towards treatment recommendations for elderly patients with breast cancer. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2019
  25. 下村昭彦, 田辺記子, 角南久仁子, 市川仁, 久保崇, 吉田輝彦, 藤原康弘, 河野隆志, 山本昇, 田村研治.
    二次的に見つかる遺伝性腫瘍への対応(シンポジウム10). 第27回乳癌学会学術総会. 東京, 7月, 2019.
  26. 松本 華英, 清水 千佳子, 中山 可南子, 橋本 政典, 安田 秀光, 多田 敬一郎.
    後期高齢者における乳癌の予後因子に関する検討. 第27回日本乳癌学会学術総会. 東京, 7月, 2019
  27. 石橋 祐子, 中山 可南子, 清水 千佳子, 皆川 梓, 岡藤 孝史, 田嶋 強, 多田 敬一郎.
    CTにより偶発的に発見された当院乳がん症例の検討. 第27回日本乳癌学会学術総会. 東京, 7月, 2019
  28. Shimomura A, Tamura K, Mizutani T, Shibata T, Hara F, Fujisawa T, Niikura N, Hojo T, Kambayashi C, Saji S, Masuda N, Sawaki M, Yamamoto N, Nagasima F, Shien T, Iwata H.
    A phase III study comparing trastuzumab emtansine with trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and docetaxel in elderly patients with advanced stage HER2-positive breast cancer. (JCOG1607 HERB TEA study). American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019.
  29. Shimomura A, Shiino S, Kawauchi J, Takizawa S, Matsuzaki J, Sakamoto H, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Tamura K, Ochiya T.
    Prediction of pathological complete response by microRNA in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Global Breast Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2019.
  30. Shimomura A, Tamura K, Mizutani T, Shibata T, Hara F, Fujisawa T, Niikura N, Hojo T, Kambayashi C, Saji S, Masuda N, Sawaki M, Yamamoto N, Nagasima F, Shien T, Iwata H.
    A phase III study comparing trastuzumab emtansine with trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and docetaxel in elderly patients with advanced stage HER2-positive breast cancer. (JCOG1607 HERB TEA study). European Society of Medical Oncology Congress, Munich, Germany, 2018.
  31. 清水 千佳子, 阪田 幸則.
    乳癌術後患者の薬物治療選択における意思決定の好みとコミュニケーション満足度. 第26回日本乳癌学会学術総会. 京都, 5月, 2018.
  32. 中山 可南子, 小澤 美和, 樋口 明子, 堀部 敬三, 清水 千佳子.
    AYA世代乳がん患者の情報・相談のニーズと充足度に関する調査. 第26回日本乳癌学会学術総会. 京都, 5月, 2018.
  33. 松本 華英, 清水 千佳子, 安田 秀光, 皆川 梓, 中山 可南子, 相馬 大輔, 日野原 千速, 橋本 政典, 多田 敬一郎.
    後期高齢者における非転移(切除可能/局所進行)乳癌の診療実態と予後に関する検討.  第26回日本乳癌学会学術総会. 京都, 5月, 2018.



  1. Nozawa K, Toma S, Shimizu C. Distress and impacts on daily life from appearance changes due to cancer treatment: A survey of 1,034 patients in Japan. Glob Health Med. 2023 Feb 28;5(1):54-61. doi: 10.35772/ghm.2022.01062
  2. Shigematsu K, Shimizu C, Furui T, Kataoka S, Kawai K, Kishida T, Kuwahara A, Maeda N, Makino A, Mizunuma N, Morishige KI, Nakajima TE, Ota K, Ono M, Shiga N, Tada Y, Takae S, Tamura N, Watanabe C, Yumura Y, Suzuki N, Takai Y. Current Status and Issues of the Japan Oncofertility Registry. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2022 Dec 13. doi: 10.1089/jayao.2022.0110.
  3. Johnston SRD, Toi M, O'Shaughnessy J, Rastogi P, Campone M, Neven P, Huang CS, Huober J, Jaliffe GG, Cicin I, Tolaney SM, Goetz MP, Rugo HS, Senkus E, Testa L, Del Mastro L, Shimizu C, Wei R, Shahir A, Munoz M, San Antonio B, André V, Harbeck N, Martin M; monarchE Committee Members. Abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy for hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative, node-positive, high-risk early breast cancer (monarchE): results from a preplanned interim analysis of a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 Jan;24(1):77-90. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00694-5.
  4. Mimura K, Shimomura A, Gota T, Ando K, Kawamura Y, Taniyama T, Oishi H, Shimizu C. Response to lenvatinib and pembrolizumab combination therapy in pembrolizumab-pretreated relapsed endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2022 Oct 12;44:101084. doi: 10.1016/j.gore.2022.101084.
  5. Ohtsu H, Shimomura A, Miyazaki S, Yonemoto N, Ueda S, Shimizu C, Sase K. Cardiotoxicity of adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab: a Japanese claim-based data analysis. Open Heart. 2022 Aug;9(2):e002053. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2022-002053.
  6. Martin M, Hegg R, Kim SB, Schenker M, Grecea D, Garcia-Saenz JA, Papazisis K, Ouyang Q, Lacko A, Oksuzoglu B, Reeves J, Okera M, Testa L, Shimizu C, Denduluri N, Adamchuk H, Dakhil S, Wei R, Forrester T, Fernandez MM, Zimmermann A, Headley D, Johnston SRD. Treatment With Adjuvant Abemaciclib Plus Endocrine Therapy in Patients With High-risk Early Breast Cancer Who Received Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Prespecified Analysis of the monarchE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Aug 1;8(8):1190-1194. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.1488.
  7. Kurozumi A, Sakamoto K, Nakagawa T, Matsunaga F, Shimomura A, Shimizu C, Hara H, Hiroi Y. Atherosclerotic Progression Is Related to Immune-Related Adverse Events. Int Heart J. 2022;63(2):293-298. doi: 10.1536/ihj.21-657. 
  8. Tenda Y, Miyashita M, Yamada A, Shimizu C, Nakayama K, Honma N, Taira N, Sawaki M. Older patients' experience of living with cognitive impairment related to hormone therapy for breast cancer: A qualitative study. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2022 Apr;57:102115. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2022.102115.
  9. Shimomura A, Yoshida M, Kubo T, Yamashita S, Noguchi E, Nagayama A, Hanamura T, Okazaki M, Mukohara T, Tsuruga A, Tanaka K, Kawamura Y, Higuchi T, Takahashi Y, Kurozumi S, Hayashida T, Ichikawa H, Ushijima T, Suto A. Clinicopathological features, genetic alterations, and BRCA1 promoter methylation in Japanese male patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2022 Dec 9. doi: 10.1007/s10549-022-06822-x. Online ahead of print.
  10. Matsuzaki J, Kato K, Oono K, Tsuchiya N, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Tamura K, Shiino S, Kinoshita T, Daiko H, Wada T, Katai H, Ochiai H, Kanemitsu Y, Takamaru H, Abe S, Saito Y, Boku N, Kondo S, Ueno H, Okusaka T, Shimada K, Ohe Y, Asakura K, Yoshida Y, Watanabe SI, Asano N, Kawai A, Ohno M, Narita Y, Ishikawa M, Kato T, Fujimoto H, Niida S, Sakamoto H, Takizawa S, Akiba T, Okanohara D, Shiraishi K, Kohno T, Takeshita F, Nakagama H, Ota N, Ochiya T; Project Team for Development and Diagnostic Technology for Detection of miRNA in Body Fluids. Prediction of tissue-of-origin of early-stage cancers using serum miRNomes. JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2022 Nov 25;pkac080. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkac080. Online ahead of print.
  11. Kitano S, Fujiwara Y, Shimizu T, Iwasa S, Yonemori K, Kondo S, Shimomura A, Koyama T, Ebata T, Ikezawa H, Hayata N, Minoshima Y, Miura T, Kubota T, Yamamoto N. A feasibility study of lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2022 Dec;90(6):523-529.
  12. Mimura K, Shimomura A, Gota T, Ando K, Kawamura Y, Taniyama T, Oishi H, Shimizu C. Response to lenvatinib and pembrolizumab combination therapy in pembrolizumab-pretreated relapsed endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2022 Oct 12;44:101084. doi: 10.1016/j.gore.2022.101084.
  13. Shimomura A, Takano T, Takahashi S, Sagara Y, Watanabe J, Tokunaga E, Shinkai T, Kamio T, Kikumori K, Kamiyama E, Fujisaki Y, Saotome D, Yamashita T. Effect of Trastuzumab Deruxtecan on QT/QTc Interval and Pharmacokinetics in HER2-Positive or HER2-Low Metastatic/Unresectable Breast Cancer. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2022 Sep 27. doi: 10.1002/cpt.2757. Online ahead of print.
  14. Iwasa S, Koyama T, Nishino M, Kondo S, Sudo K, Yonemori K, Yoshida T, Tamura K, Shimizu T, Fujiwara Y, Kitano S, Shimomura A, Sato J, Yokoyama F, Iida H, Kondo M, Yamamoto N. First-in-human study of ONO-4578, an antagonist of prostaglandin E2 receptor 4, alone and with nivolumab in solid tumors. Cancer Sci. 2022 Sep 9. doi: 10.1111/cas.15574. Online ahead of print.
  15. Komatsu Y, Shimokawa T, Akiyoshi K, Karayama M, Shimomura A, Kawamoto Y, Yuki S, Tambo Y, Kasahara K. An open-label, crossover study to compare different formulations and evaluate effect of food on pharmacokinetics of pimitespib in patients with advanced solid tumors. Invest New Drugs. 2022 Oct;40(5):1011-1020.
  16. Hirata K, Watanabe K, Sasaki T, Yoshimasu T, Shimomura A, Ando N, Yanagawa Y, Mizushima D, Teruya K, Kikuchi Y, Oka S, Tsukada K. Unmasking latent extrapulmonary tuberculosis with newly diagnosed HIV-1 infection in a COVID-19 patient with prolonged fever. Oxf Med Case Reports. 2022 Jul 26;2022(7):omac079.
  17. Shimomura A, Nagahashi M, Kumamaru H, Aogi K, Asaga S, Hayashi N, Iijima K, Kadoya T, Kojima Y, Kubo M, Miyashita M, Miyata H, Niikura N, Ogo E, Tamura K, Tanakura K, Yoshida M, Yamamoto Y, Imoto S, Jinno H. Clinicopathological features of male patients with breast cancer based on a nationwide registry database in Japan. Breast Cancer. 2022 Jun
  18. doi: 10.1007/s12282-022-01378-6. Online ahead of print.
  19. Sawaki M, Shimomura A, Shien T, Iwata H. Management of breast cancer in older patients. Jpn Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2022 Jul 8;52(7):674-681.
  20. Tsuda H, Kurosumi M, Akiyama F, Ohno S, Saji S, Masuda N, Shimomura A, Sato N, Takao S, Ohsumi S, Tokuda Y, Inaji H, Watanabe T. Validation of a nuclear grading system for resected stage I-IIIA, high-risk, node-negative invasive breast carcinoma in the N·SAS-BC 01 trial. Breast Cancer. 2022 Jul;29(4):720-729.


  1. Ohtsu H, Shimomura A, Sase K. Real-World Evidence in Cardio-Oncology: What Is It and What Can It Tell Us? JACC CardioOncol. 2022 Mar 15;4(1):95-97. PMID: 35492826
  2. Sawaki M, Shimomura A, Shien T, Iwata H. Management of breast cancer in older patients. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2022 Apr 23:hyac054. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyac054. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35462408
  3. Tsuda H, Kurosumi M, Akiyama F, Ohno S, Saji S, Masuda N, Shimomura A, Sato N, Takao S, Ohsumi S, Tokuda Y, Inaji H, Watanabe T. Validation of a nuclear grading system for resected stage I-IIIA, high-risk, node-negative invasive breast carcinoma in the N·SAS-BC 01 trial. Breast Cancer. 2022 Apr 18. doi: 10.1007/s12282-022-01350-4. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35499664
  4. Asazuma K, Shimomura A, Shimizu C. Antibody-Drug Conjugates as an Adjuvant Therapy for Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Early Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2022 Apr 14:JCO2200135. doi: 10.1200/JCO.22.00135. Online ahead of print. (corresponding)
  5. Kojima Y, Shimoi T, Seo T, Yazaki S, Okuya T, Ohtake Y, Okuma HS, Shimomura A, Nishikawa T, Tanioka M, Sudo K, Noguchi E, Tamura K, Yoshida A, Iwata S, Kobayashi E, Kawai A, Fujiwara Y, Yonemori K. Poor Treatment Outcomes with Second-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Synovial Sarcoma. Oncology. 2022 Apr 11. doi: 10.1159/000524500. Online ahead of print.
  6. Takahashi N, Shimizu C, Simomura A, Toi M. Role of abemaciclib in primary breast cancer: a narrative review of MonarchE. Transl Breast Cancer Res 2022;3.
  7. Martin M, Hegg R, Kim SB, Schenker M, Grecea D, Garcia-Saenz JA, Papazisis K, Ouyang Q, Lacko A, Oksuzoglu B, Reeves J, Okera M, Testa L, Shimizu C, Denduluri N, Adamchuk H, Dakhil S, Wei R, Forrester T, Fernandez MM, Zimmermann A, Headley D, Johnston SRD.  Treatment With Adjuvant Abemaciclib Plus Endocrine Therapy in Patients With High-risk Early Breast Cancer Who Received Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Prespecified Analysis of the monarchE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Jun 2. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.1488. Online ahead of print.
  8. Kurozumi A, Sakamoto K, Nakagawa T, Matsunaga F, Shimomura A, Shimizu C, Hara H, Hiroi Y. Atherosclerotic Progression Is Related to Immune-Related Adverse Events. Int Heart J. 2022;63(2):293-298. doi: 10.1536/ihj.21-657. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2022 Apr;57:102115. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2022.102115. Epub 2022 Feb 21.
  9. Suzuki K, Igata H, Abe M, Yamamoto Y; small RNA based cancer classification project. Multiple cancer type classification by small RNA expression profiles with plasma samples from multiple facilities. Cancer Sci. 2022 Feb 26. doi: 10.1111/cas.15309. Online ahead of print.
  10. Sato J, Shimizu T, Koyama T, Iwasa S, Shimomura A, Kondo S, Kitano S, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K, Suzuki T, Takase T, Nagai R, Yamaguchi K, Semba T, Zhao ZM, Ren M, Yamamoto N. Phase 1 Dose Escalation Study of the Liposomal Formulation of Eribulin (E7389-LF) in Japanese Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Feb 18:clincanres.3518.2021. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-3518. Online ahead of print.
  11. Morita M, Shimomura A, Tokuda E, Horimoto Y, Kawamura Y, Ishizuka Y, Sekine K, Obayashi S, Kojima Y, Uemura Y, Higuchi T. Is adjuvant chemotherapy necessary in older patients with breast cancer? Breast Cancer. 2022 Jan 15. doi: 10.1007/s12282-021-01329-7.
  12. Tenda Y, Miyashita M, Yamada A, Shimizu C, Nakayama K, Honma N, Taira N, Sawaki M. Older patients' experience of living with cognitive impairment related to hormone therapy for breast cancer: A qualitative study.
  13. Tozawa A, Kimura F, Takai Y, Nakajima T, Ushijima K, Kobayashi H, Satoh T, Harada M, Sugimoto K, Saji S, Shimizu C, Akiyama K, Bando H, Kuwahara A, Furui T, Okada H, Kawai K, Shinohara N, Nagao K, Kitajima M, Suenobu S, Soejima T, Miyachi M, Miyoshi Y, Yoneda A, Horie A, Ishida Y, Usui N, Kanda Y, Fujii N, Endo M, Nakayama R, Hoshi M, Yonemoto T, Kiyotani C, Okita N, Baba E, Muto M, Kikuchi I, Morishige KI, Tsugawa K, Nishiyama H, Hosoi H, Tanimoto M, Kawai A, Sugiyama K, Boku N, Yonemura M, Hayashi N, Aoki D, Suzuki N, Osuga Y. Japan Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017 for fertility preservation in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer patients: part 2. Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 Feb;27(2):281-300. doi: 10.1007/s10147-021-02076-7. Epub 2022 Jan 13.
  14. Harada M, Kimura F, Takai Y, Nakajima T, Ushijima K, Kobayashi H, Satoh T, Tozawa A, Sugimoto K, Saji S, Shimizu C, Akiyama K, Bando H, Kuwahara A, Furui T, Okada H, Kawai K, Shinohara N, Nagao K, Kitajima M, Suenobu S, Soejima T, Miyachi M, Miyoshi Y, Yoneda A, Horie A, Ishida Y, Usui N, Kanda Y, Fujii N, Endo M, Nakayama R, Hoshi M, Yonemoto T, Kiyotani C, Okita N, Baba E, Muto M, Kikuchi I, Morishige KI, Tsugawa K, Nishiyama H, Hosoi H, Tanimoto M, Kawai A, Sugiyama K, Boku N, Yonemura M, Hayashi N, Aoki D, Osuga Y, Suzuki N. Japan Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017 for fertility preservation in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer patients: part 1. Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 Feb;27(2):265-280. doi: 10.1007/s10147-021-02081-w. Epub 2022 Jan 1.
  15. Ono M, Matsumoto K, Boku N, Fujii N, Tsuchida Y, Furui T, Harada M, Kanda Y, Kawai A, Miyachi M, Murashima A, Nakayama R, Nishiyama H, Shimizu C, Sugiyama K, Takai Y, Fujio K, Morishige KI, Osuga Y, Suzuki N. Indications for fertility preservation not included in the 2017 Japan Society of Clinical Oncology Guideline for Fertility Preservation in Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Patients treated with gonadal toxicity, including benign diseases. Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 Feb;27(2):301-309. doi: 10.1007/s10147-021-02082-9.
  16. Nakata K, Hiyama E, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Tada Y, Inoue M, Kawa K, Maru M, Shimizu C, Horibe K, Miyashiro I. Cancer in adolescents and young adults in Japan: epidemiology and cancer strategy. Int J Clin Oncol. 2022 Jan;27(1):7-15. doi: 10.1007/s10147-021-02064-x. Epub 2021 Nov 15.
  17. Ando K, Shimomura A, Nasu R, Nakanishi M, Kawamura Y, Hangaishi A, Oishi H, Shimizu C. A Case of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer and Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treated with Azacitidine. Case Rep Oncol. 2021 Dec 27;14(3):1847-1852. doi: 10.1159/000521160. eCollection Sep-Dec 2021.
  18. Masuda N, Tamura K, Yasojima H, Shimomura A, Sawaki M, Lee MJ, Yuno A, Trepel J, Kimura R, Nishimura Y, Saji S, Iwata H. Phase 1 trial of entinostat as monotherapy and combined with exemestane in Japanese patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2021 Nov 24;21(1):1269.
  19. Shimoi T, Hashimoto J, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Shimizu C, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Yoshida H, Yoshida M, Kato T, Kinoshita T, Fukuda T, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Hotspot mutation profiles of AKT1 in Asian women with breast and endometrial cancers. BMC Cancer. 2021 Oct 21;21(1):1131. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-08869-3.
  20. Partridge AH, Niman SM, Ruggeri M, Peccatori FA, Azim HA Jr, Colleoni M, Saura C, Shimizu C, Sætersdal AB, Kroep JR, Mailliez A, Warner E, Borges VF, Amant F, Gombos A, Kataoka A, Rousset-Jablonski C, Borstnar S, Takei J, Lee JE, Walshe JM, Borrego MR, Moore HC, Saunders C, Cardoso F, Susnjar S, Bjelic-Radisic V, Smith KL, Piccart M, Korde LA, Goldhirsch A, Gelber RD, Pagani O.  Who are the women who enrolled in the POSITIVE trial: A global study to support young hormone receptor positive breast cancer survivors desiring pregnancy. Breast. 2021 Oct;59:327-338. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2021.07.021. Epub 2021 Aug 3.
  21. Yamada A, Kumamaru H, Shimizu C, Taira N, Nakayama K, Miyashita M, Honma N, Miyata H, Endo I, Saji S, Sawaki M. Systemic therapy and prognosis of older patients with stage II/III breast cancer: A large-scale analysis of the Japanese Breast Cancer Registry. Eur J Cancer. 2021 Sep;154:157-166. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.06.006. Epub 2021 Jul 19.
  22. Tsuchida R, Tanabe Y, Nishizawa D, Ikeda K, Abe H, Inoue R, Kurano M, Yatomi Y, Tamura K, Takano T, Shimizu C, Uchida K, Sumitani M. Genetic polymorphisms of lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 are associated with the onset of taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Aug;127(2):e43-e46. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2021.04.014. Epub 2021 May 21.
  23. Sato F, Shimomura A, Nakayama K, Kawamura Y, Hashimoto K, Ishibashi Y, Shimizu C, Kitagawa D. Breast Cancer Treatment in a Patient with Decubitus Ulcer Infection Secondary to Spina Bifida: Surgical Resection versus Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Case Rep Oncol. 2021 Jun 18;14(2):944-949.
  24. Kawamura Y, Shimomura A, Shimizu C. Who Can Receive the Benefit of a Palbociclib Add-On in Patients With HR+HER2- Breast Cancer With Residual Disease After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy? J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jul 6:JCO2101174. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.01174. Online ahead of print.
  25. Shimomura A, Tamura K, Tanaka K, Mizutani T, Sasaki K, Sekino Y, Sawaki M, Shien T, Shibata T, Iwata H. A randomized phase III study comparing trastuzumab emtansine with trastuzumab, pertuzumab and docetaxel in elderly patients with advanced stage HER2-positive breast cancer: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study (JCOG1607, HERB TEA study). Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jul 2:hyab101. doi:10.1093/jjco/hyab101. Online ahead of print.
  26. Suemasu T, Shimomura A, Shimizu C, Hashimoto K, Kitagawa D. Regarding the Appropriate Target and Duration of Chemoprevention in Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jun 14:JCO2101060. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.01060. Online ahead of print.
  27. Kawai A, Naka N, Shimomura A, Takahashi S, Kitano S, Imura Y, Yonemori K, Nakatani F, Iwata S, Kobayashi E, Outani H, Tamiya H, Naito Y, Yamamoto N, Doi T. Efficacy and safety of TAS-115, a novel oral multi-kinase inhibitor, in osteosarcoma: an expansion cohort of a phase I study. Invest New Drugs. 2021 Jun 12. doi: 10.1007/s10637-021-01107-4. Online ahead of print.
  28. Shojima H, Shimomura A, Kadowaki M, Kawamura Y, Shimizu C. How can we evaluate the electronic patient-reported outcome appropriately? J Clin Oncol. 2021 May 12:JCO2100482. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.00482. Online ahead of print.
  29. Shimizu T, Fujiwara Y, Yonemori K, Koyama T, Sato J, Tamura K, Shimomura A, Ikezawa H, Nomoto M, Furuuchi K, Nakajima R, Miura T, Yamamoto N. First-in-Human Phase 1 Study of MORAb-202, an Antibody-Drug Conjugate Comprising Farletuzumab Linked to Eribulin Mesylate, in Patients with Folate Receptor-α-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Jul 15;27(14):3905-3915.
  30. Ando K, Shimomura A, Yoshimura K, Kawamura Y, Shimizu C. What Is the Optimal Model to Estimate the Benefits of Chemotherapy in Patients With Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative, Node-Negative Breast Cancer? J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jun 10;39(17):1946-1947.


  1. Masuda N, Mukai H, Inoue K, Rai Y, Ohno S, Ohtani S, Shimizu C, Hashigaki S, Muramatsu Y, Umeyama Y, Iwata H, Toi M. Analysis of subsequent therapy in Japanese patients with hormone receptor‒positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2‒negative advanced breast cancer who received palbociclib plus endocrine therapy in PALOMA-2 and -3. Breast Cancer. 2021 Mar;28(2):335-345.
  2. Hashimoto K, Shimomura A. Regarding the Addition of CDK4/6 Inhibitor to Postoperative Endocrine Therapy in Patients With HR-Positive HER2-Negative High-Risk Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Feb 25;JCO2003215. doi: 10.1200/JCO.20.03215. Online ahead of print.
  3. Yonemori K, Shimizu T, Kondo S, Iwasa S, Koyama T, Kitano S, Sato J, Shimomura A, Shibaki R, Suri A, Kase Y, Sumino S, Tamura K, Yamamoto N. The safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of niraparib in Japanese patients with solid tumours: results of a phase I dose-escalation study. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2021 Feb 24;hyab013. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyab013. Online ahead of print.
  4. Sawaki M, Yamada A, Kumamaru H, Miyata H, Nakayama K, Shimizu C, Miyashita M, Honma N, Taira N, Saji S.  Clinicopathological characteristics, practical treatments, prognosis, and clinical issues of older breast cancer patients in Japan. Breast Cancer. 2021 Jan;28(1):1-8
  5. Kondo S, Shimizu T, Koyama T, Sato J, Iwasa S, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Shimomura A, Kitano S, Tamura K, Yamamoto N. First-in-human study of the cancer peptide vaccine, TAS0313, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Cancer Sci. 2020 Dec 7. doi: 10.1111/cas.14765. Online ahead of print.
  6. Kimura Y, Hosoya M, Toju K, Shimizu C, Morita T. Barriers to end-of-life discussion with advanced cancer patient as perceived by oncologists, certified/specialized nurses in cancer nursing and medical social workers. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Dec 16;50(12):1426-1433.
  7. Uchihara M, Yoshimura K, Shimomura A, Kawamura Y, Shimizu C. Suggestion for Research Design: Noninferiority Design in Elderly Patients With Soft-Tissue Sarcoma. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 1;39(7):862-863.
  8. Yokoe T, Kurozumi S, Nozawa K, Ozaki Y, Maeda T, Yazaki S, Onishi M, Fujimoto A, Nakayama S, Tsuboguchi Y, Iwasa T, Sakai H, Ogata M, Terada M, Nishimura M, Onoe T, Masuda J, Kurikawa M, Isaka H, Hagio K, Shimomura A, Okumura Y, Futamura M, Shimokawa M, Takano T. Clinical benefit of treatment after trastuzumab emtansine for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: a real-world multi-centre cohort study in Japan (WJOG12519B). Breast Cancer. 2021 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s12282-020-01192-y. Online ahead of print.
  9. Ohno S, Saji S, Masuda N, Tsuda H, Akiyama F, Kurosumi M, Shimomura A, Sato N, Takao S, Ohsumi S, Tokuda Y, Inaji H, Watanabe T, Ohashi Y. Relationships between pathological factors and long-term outcomes in patients enrolled in two prospective randomized controlled trials comparing the efficacy of oral tegafur-uracil with CMF (N·SAS-BC 01 trial and CUBC trial). Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021 Feb;186(1):135-147.
  10. Kitano S, Shimizu T, Koyama T, Ebata T, Iwasa S, Kondo S, Shimomura A, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Paccaly A, Li S, Rietschel P, Sims T. Dose exploration results from Phase 1 study of cemiplimab, a human monoclonal programmed death (PD)-1 antibody, in Japanese patients with advanced malignancies. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2021 Jan;87(1):53-64.
  11. Mizuno T, Kojima Y, Yonemori K, Yoshida H, Sugiura Y, Ohtake Y, Okuma HS, Nishikawa T, Tanioka M, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kato T, Shimoi T, Uno M, Ishikawa M, Fujiwara Y, Ohe Y, Tamura K. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy promotes the expression of HER3 in patients with ovarian cancer. Oncol Lett. 2020 Dec;20(6):336.
  12. Watanuki R, Shimomura A, Yazaki S, Noda-Narita S, Sumiyoshi-Okuma H, Nishikawa T, Tanioka M, Sudo K, Shimoi T, Noguchi E, Yonemori K, Tamura K. Survival outcomes in patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive metastatic breast cancer administered a therapy following trastuzumab emtansine treatment. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Sep 18;99(38):e22331.
  13. Mizuno T, Kojima Y, Yonemori K, Yoshida H, Sugiura Y, Ohtake Y, Okuma HS, Nishikawa T, Tanioka M, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kato T, Shimoi T, Uno M, Ishikawa M, Fujiwara Y, Ohe Y, Tamura K. HER3 protein expression as a risk factor for post-operative recurrence in patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma of the cervix. Oncol Lett. 2020 Oct;20(4):38.
  14. Ebata T, Yonemori K, Nishikawa T, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Fujiwara Y, Kato T, Hasegawa K, Fujiwara K, Tamura K. Treatment Outcome of Second-Line Chemotherapy for Gynecologic Carcinosarcoma. Oncology. 2020;98(10):699-705.
  15. Ikegami M, Kohsaka S, Ueno T, Momozawa Y, Inoue S, Tamura K, Shimomura A, Hosoya N, Kobayashi H, Tanaka S, Mano H. High-throughput Functional Evaluation of BRCA2 Variants of Unknown Significance. Nat Commun. 2020 May 22;11(1):2573.
  16. Sanchez Calle A, Yamamoto T, Kawamura Y, Hironaka-Mitsuhashi A, Ono M, Tsuda H, Shimomura A, Tamura K, Takeshita F, Ochiya T, Yamamoto Y. Long non-coding NR2F1-AS1 is associated with tumor recurrence in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers. Mol Oncol. 2020 Sep;14(9):2271-2287.
  17. Usui Y, Ishiki H, Shimomura A, Satomi E. Suggestions Regarding the GEICAM/2003-11_CIBOMA/2004-01 Trial: Future Treatment Options for Early Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2020 Jun 20;38(18):2111-2112.
  18. Miyoshi Y, Yorifuji T, Shimizu C, Nagasaki K, Kawai M, Ishiguro H, Okada S, Kanno J, Takubo N, Muroya K, Ito J, Horikawa R, Yokoya S, Ozono K. A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey Targeting Japanese Pediatric Endocrinologists Regarding Transitional Care in Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 2020;29(2):55-62. doi: 10.1297/cpe.29.55. Epub 2020 Apr 16.
  19. Kawachi A, Yamashita S, Okochi-Takada E, Hirakawa A, Tsuda H, Shimomura A, Kojima Y, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Kinoshita T, Ushijima T, Tamura K. BRCA1 promoter methylation in breast cancer patients is associated with response to olaparib/eribulin combination therapy. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020 Jun;181(2):323-329.
  20. Tanabe Y, Shiraishi S, Hashimoto K, Ikeda K, Nishizawa D, Hasegawa J, Shimomura A, Ozaki Y, Tamura N, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Takano T, Kawabata H, Tamura K, Fujiwara Y, Shimizu C. Taxane-induced sensory peripheral neuropathy is associated with an SCN9A single nucleotide polymorphism in Japanese patients. BMC Cancer. 2020 Apr 16;20(1):325.
  21. Fujiwara Y, Kuchiba A, Koyama T, Machida R, Shimomura A, Kitano S, Shimizu T, Yamamoto N. Infection risk with PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway inhibitors and immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced solid tumours in phase I clinical trials. ESMO Open. 2020 Apr;5(2). pii: e000653.
  22. Watanabe S, Shimomura A, Kubo T, Sekimizu M, Seo T, Watanabe S, Kawai A, Yamamoto N, Tamura K, Kohno T, Ichikawa H, Yoshida A. BRAF V600E mutation is a potential therapeutic target for a small subset of synovial sarcoma. Mod Pathol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41379-020-0530-3
  23. Seo T, Noguchi E, Yoshida M, Mori T, Tanioka M, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Response to Dabrafenib and Trametinib of a Patient with Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma Harboring a BRAF V600E Mutation. Case Rep Oncol Med. 2020 Mar 6;2020:2518383. doi: 10.1155/2020/2518383.
  24. Iwase M, Ando M, Aogi K, Aruga T, Inoue K, Shimomura A, Tokunaga E, Masuda N, Yamauchi H, Yamashita T, Iwata H. Long-term survival analysis of addition of carboplatin to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in HER2-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020 Apr;180(3):687-694.


  1. Uneno Y, Sato K, Morita T, Nishimura M, Ito S, Mori M, Shimizu C, Horie Y, Hirakawa M, Nakajima TE, Tsuneto S, Muto M. Current Status of Integrating Oncology and Palliative Care in Japan: A Nationwide Survey. BMC Palliat Care. 2020 Jan 24;19(1):12. doi: 10.1186/s12904-020-0515-5.
  2. Noda-Narita S, Shimomura A, Tanabe Y, Kawauchi J, Matsuzaki J, Takizawa S, Aoki Y, Shimizu C, Tamura K, Ochiya T. Peripheral neuropathy from paclitaxel: risk prediction by serum microRNAs. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Jan 14. pii: bmjspcare-2019-001900. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001900. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Taniyama TK, Tsuda T, Miyakawa K, Arai H, Doi A, Hirakawa M, Horie Y, Mizukami T, Izawa N, Ogura T, Sunakawa Y, Nakajima TE. Analysis of fistula formation of T4 esophageal cancer patients treated by chemoradiotherapy. Esophagus. 2020 Jan;17(1):67-73.
  4. Shimomura A, Ochiya T. [Detecting Early Breast Cancer by Serum MicroRNA]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2019 Dec;46(12):1837-1840. Japanese.
  5. Matsuoka YJ, Okubo R, Shimizu Y, Tsuji K, Narisawa T, Sasaki J, Sasai H, Akashi-Tanaka S, Hamaguchi T, Iwasa T, Iwata S, Kato T, Kurotani K, Maruyama D, Mori A, Ogawa A, Sakurai N, Shimazu T, Shimizu C, Tabuchi T, Takahashi M, Takano T, Tatematsu N, Uchitomi Y, Watanabe C, Fukui T. Developing the Structure of Japan's Cancer Survivorship Guidelines Using an Expert Panel and Modified Delphi Method. J Cancer Surviv. 2019 Dec 6. doi: 10.1007/s11764-019-00840-3. Online ahead of print.
  6. Koyama T, Shimizu T, Iwasa S, Fujiwara Y, Kondo S, Kitano S, Yonemori K, Shimomura A, Iizumi S, Sasaki T, Furuse J, Yamamoto N. First-in-human phase I study of E7090, a novel selective FGFR inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Cancer Sci. 2019 Dec 2. doi: 10.1111/cas.14265. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. Ebata T, Shimizu T, Koyama T, Shimomura A, Iwasa S, Kondo S, Kitano S, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N. Improved survival among patients enrolled in oncology phase 1 trials in recent decades. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2019 Nov 19. doi: 10.1007/s00280-019-03992-2. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Ohtake Y, Sudo K, Kojima Y, Seo T, Okuma H, Nishikawa T, Uno M, Uehara T, Ishikawa M, Tanioka M, Noguchi E, Shimomura A, Yonemori K, Kato T, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. [Ifosfamide and Paclitaxel for Recurrent or Metastatic Uterine Carcinosarcoma]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2019 Oct;46(10):1525-1529. Japanese.
  9. Sato J, Shimomura A, Kawauchi J, Matsuzaki J, Yamamoto Y, Takizawa S, Sakamoto H, Ohno M, Narita Y, Ochiya T, Tamura K. Brain metastasis-related microRNAs in patients with advanced breast cancer. PLoS One. 2019 Oct 11;14(10):e0221538.
  10. Mori M, Fujimori M, van Vliet LM, Yamaguchi T, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Morishita-Kawahara M, Inoue A, Inoguchi H, Matsuoka Y, Bruera E, Morita T, Uchitomi Y. Explicit prognostic disclosure to Asian women with breast cancer: A randomized, scripted video-vignette study (J-SUPPORT1601). Cancer. 2019 Oct 1;125(19):3320-3329.
  11. Shimomura A, Yonemori K, Yoshida M, Yoshida T, Yasojima H, Masuda N, Aogi K, Takahashi M, Naito Y, Shimizu S, Nakamura R, Hamada A, Michimae H, Hashimoto J, Yamamoto H, Kawachi A, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Gene Alterations in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients in a Phase I/II Study of Eribulin and Olaparib Combination Therapy. Transl Oncol. 2019 Oct;12(10):1386-1394.
  12. Satomi-Tsushita N, Shimomura A, Matsuzaki J, Yamamoto Y, Kawauchi J, Takizawa S, Aoki Y, Sakamoto H, Kato K, Shimizu C, Ochiya T, Tamura K. Serum microRNA-based prediction of responsiveness to eribulin in metastatic breast cancer. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 4;14(9):e0222024.
  13. Hirano H, Shimizu C, Kawachi A, Ozawa M, Higuchi A, Yoshida S, Shimizu K, Tatara R, Horibe K. Preferences Regarding End-of-Life Care Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer: Results From a Comprehensive Multicenter Survey in Japan. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 Aug;58(2):235-243
  14. Noda-Narita S, Shimomura A, Kawachi A, Sumiyoshi-Okuma H, Sudo K, Shimoi T, Noguchi E, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Comparison of the efficacy of trastuzumab emtansine between patients with metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancers previously treated with combination trastuzumab and pertuzumab and with trastuzumab only in Japanese population. Breast Cancer. 2019 Jul;26(4):492-498.
  15. Shimizu C, Sakata Y, Sakai R, Ikezawa H, Uetaki Y, Matsuoka T. Pharmacotherapy decision-making among patients with breast cancer in Japan: results of an online survey. Breast Cancer. 2019 Jun 8. doi: 10.1007/s12282-019-00986-z. [Epub ahead of print]
  16. Inagaki C, Shimoi T, Sumiyoshi Okuma H, Kawachi A, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kodaira M, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Arakawa A, Ogawa C, Yoshida A, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Bone marrow examination in patients with Ewing sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor without metastasis based on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography. Med Oncol. 2019 May 18;36(7):58. doi: 10.1007/s12032-019-1279-8.
  17. Sato J, Shimoi T, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kodaira M, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Yoshida M, Tamura K. The Incidence of Nonmalignant Diseases among Patients with Suspected Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site. Intern Med. 2019 May 15;58(10):1423-1428.
  18. Hironaka-Mitsuhashi A, Tsuda H, Yoshida M, Shimizu C, Asaga S, Hojo T, Tamura K, Kinoshita T, Ushijima T, Hiraoka N, Fujiwara Y. Invasive breast cancers in adolescent and young adult women show more aggressive immunohistochemical and clinical features than those in women aged 40-44 years. Breast Cancer. 2019 May;26(3):386-396
  19. Im SA, Mukai H, Park IH, Masuda N, Shimizu C, Kim SB, Im YH, Ohtani S, Huang Bartlett C, Lu DR, Iyer S, Mori Y, Mori A, Gauthier E, Finn RS, Toi M. Palbociclib Plus Letrozole as First-Line Therapy in Postmenopausal Asian Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results From the Phase III, Randomized PALOMA-2 Study. J Glob Oncol. 2019 May;5:1-1
  20. Yuda S, Shimizu C, Yoshida M, Shiino S, Kinoshita T, Maeshima AM, Tamura K. Biomarker discordance between primary breast cancer and bone or bone marrow metastases. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2019 May 1;49(5):426-430
  21. Mori M, Shimizu C, Ogawa A, Okusaka T, Yoshida S, Morita T. What determines the timing of discussions on forgoing anticancer treatment? A national survey of medical oncologists. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Apr;27(4):1375-1382
  22. Kitano A, Shimizu C, Yamauchi H, Akitani F, Shiota K, Miyoshi Y, Ohde S. Factors associated with treatment delay in women with primary breast cancer who were referred to reproductive specialists. ESMO Open. 2019 Mar 5;4(2):e000459
  23. Mukai H, Shimizu C, Masuda N, Ohtani S, Ohno S, Takahashi M, Yamamoto Y, Nishimura R, Sato N, Ohsumi S, Iwata H, Mori Y, Hashigaki S, Muramatsu Y, Nagasawa T, Umeyama Y, Lu DR, Toi M. Palbociclib in combination with letrozole in patients with estrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer: PALOMA-2 subgroup analysis of Japanese patients. Int J Clin Oncol. 2019 Mar;24(3):274-287.


  1. Tsuchiya M, Masujima M, Kato T, Ikeda SI, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Shiino S, Suzuki M, Mori M, Takahashi M. Knowledge, fatigue, and cognitive factors as predictors of lymphoedema risk-reduction behaviours in women with cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Feb;27(2):547-555.
  2. Ohara A, Furui T, Shimizu C, Ozono S, Yamamoto K, Kawai A, Tatara R, Higuchu A, Horibe K. Current situation of cancer among adolescents and young adults in Japan. Int J Clin Oncol 2018; 23: 1201-1211.
  3. Tsuchiya M, Masujima M, Mori M, Takahashi M, Kato T, Ikeda SI, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Shiino S, Suzuki M. Information-seeking, information sources and ongoing support needs after discharge to prevent cancer-related lymphoedema. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2018 Sep 6. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyy127. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Shimoi T, Hamada A, Yamagishi M, Hirai M, Yoshida M, Nishikawa T, Sudo K, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Fukuda T, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. PIK3CA mutation profiling in patients with breast cancer, using a highly sensitive detection system. Cancer Sci. 2018 Aug;109(8):2558-2566.
  5. Iizumi S, Shimomura A, Shimoi T, Sudo K, Noguchi E, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Efficacy of capecitabine in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with or without prior treatment with fluoropyrimidine: a retrospective study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2018 Jun 5. doi: 10.1007/s00280-018-3617-5. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Takeuchi E, Kato M, Miyata K, Suzuki N, Shimizu C, Okada H, Matsunaga N, Shimizu M, Moroi N, Fujisawa D, Mimura M, Miyoshi Y. The effects of an educational program for non-physician health care providers regarding fertility preservation. Support Care Cancer. 2018 Oct;26(10):3447-3452.
  7. Ebata T, Shimoi T, Bun S, Miyake M, Yoshida A, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Narita Y, Tamura K. Efficacy and Safety of Pazopanib for Recurrent or Metastatic Solitary Fibrous Tumor. Oncology. 2018;94(6):340-344.
  8. Tamura K, Kodaira M, Shimizu C, Yonemori K, Yunokawa M, Shimomura A, Kobayashi T, Nakano K, Tomomatsu J, Ito Y, Tanaka J, Kuriki H, Gu Z, Takahashi S. Phase I study of taselisib in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors or hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer. Cancer Sci. 2018 May;109(5):1592-1601
  9. Kanke Y, Shimomura A, Saito M, Honda T, Shiraishi K, Shimada Y, Watanabe R, Yoshida H, Yoshida M, Shimizu C, Takahashi K, Totsuka H, Ogiwara H, Hirose S, Kono K, Tamura K, Okamoto A, Kinoshita T, Kato T, Kohno T*. Gene aberration profile of tumors of adolescent and young adult females. 2018 Dec 29;9(5):6228-6237.
  10. Bun S, Yunokawa M, Tamaki Y, Shimomura A, Shimoi T, Kodaira M, Shimizu C, Yonemori K, Fujiwara Y, Makino Y, Terakado H, Tamura K. Symptom management: the utility of regional cooling for hand-foot syndrome induced by pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in ovarian cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2018 Jul;26(7):2161-2166.
  11. Shimoi T, Yoshida M, Kitamura Y, Yoshino T, Kawachi A, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Kinoshita T, Ichimura K, Fukuda T, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. TERT promoter hotspot mutations in breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2018 May;25(3):292-296.


  1. Iizumi S, Shimoi T, Tsushita N, Bun S, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kodaira M, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. Efficacy and safety of eribulin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer not meeting trial eligibility criteria: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer. 2017 Dec 4;17(1):819
  2. Inagaki C, Shimoi T, Okuma H, Kitano A, Shimomura A, Noguchi E, Kodaira M, Yunokawa M, Yonemori K, Shimizu C, Yoshida A, Fujiwara Y, Tamura K. A case of heavily pretreated metastatic cardiac angiosarcoma treated successfully using eribulin. Anticancer Drugs. 2018 Jan;29(1):97-101


  1. 下村昭彦. がん薬物療法に伴う血管外漏出に関する合同ガイドライン. 2023年版
  2. 下村昭彦. Onco-cardiologyガイドライン. 2022年版
  3. 安藤健樹、下村昭彦。【Precision oncologyの検証】各臓器がんのPrecision oncology 乳がん。腫瘍内科(1881-6568)31巻1号 Page97-101(2023.01)
  4. 河村 雪乃、下村 昭彦。高齢者機能評価とレジメンでわかるがん薬物療法「C 乳癌」乳癌 術前・術後補助 P206-212, 中外医薬社
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  6. 石岡千加史、関根郁夫、安藤雄一、伊豆津宏二(編)。高橋信行、清水千佳子。最新のがん薬物療法2023-2024。6. 乳がんC. ホルモン受容体陽性HER2陰性乳がん。南江堂、東京(2023)
  7. 安藤健樹、清水千佳子。【実地医家が知っておくべきがんの薬物療法 がんの薬物療法の必要性・重要性】各がん種の最新情報と知っておくべき標準治療 乳がん。Medical Practice(0910-1551)39巻10号 Page1473-1479(2022.10)
  8. 小川弘美、清水千佳子。【"ひと昔前"で止まっていないかチェック!がん治療・ケアの"最新"Topics 5 新しいがん治療薬 がん治療合併症 リハビリ AYA世代支援 ACP支援】(Part 4)AYA世代支援・ACP支援-がん患者が直面する課題と支援- AYA世代がん患者に対する支援(妊孕性支援、遺伝性腫瘍)。Expert Nurse(0911-0194)39巻1号 Page74-77(2022.12)
  9. 森田達也、清水千佳子、小澤美和(編)。事例に学ぶAYA世代のがんサポーティブケア・緩和ケア。診断と治療社、東京(2022)
  10. 下村昭彦. 乳腺腫瘍学第3版(分担執筆). Liquid biopsy. 金原出版株式会社、東京(2022)
  11. 畑中めぐみ、清水千佳子、堀部敬三。地方自治体におけるAYA世代がん患者への支援に関する実態調査。AYAがんの医療と支援。2022年2巻1号 Page 1-7。
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  13. 安藤健樹、下村昭彦。【10年後の乳がん診療】HER2陽性乳がんの現状と展望。腫瘍内科(1881-6568)28巻3号 Page248-253
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  16. 清水 千佳子, 吉田 沙蘭, 樋口 明子。AYA世代がん患者の包括的ケア提供体制の構築に向けて 「AYA支援チーム」実装の試み。AYAがんの医療と支援 (2435-9246)1巻1号 Page3-8(2021.02)
  17. 谷山智子、清水千佳子。【固形がんに対する免疫療法と分子標的治療の進歩】乳がんの分子標的薬と免疫療法の進歩。がん分子標的治療 (1347-6955)18巻2号 Page162-168(2021.01)
  18. 松本 華英, 清水 千佳子, 矢崎 博久, 中山 可南子. 急速な経過をたどったHIV合併乳癌の1例。乳癌の臨床 (0911-2251)36巻3号 Page231-239(2021.07)
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  20. 島貫 裕実子, 下村 昭彦, 小川 千晶, 寺門 浩之, 清水 千佳子。アベマシクリブ投与中に遅発性の好中球減少が認められた1例。日本臨床腫瘍薬学会雑誌 (2189-129X)19巻 Page10-13(2021.04)
  21. 谷山智子、下村昭彦、瓜生英子、稲垣剛志、清水千佳子. 特集 成人移行支援の二面性 総合病院への移行―小児がん経験者のトランジション. Page1300-1305. 小児内科Vol.53 No.8. 2021年8月.
  22. 谷山智子、清水千佳子. ジェネラリストのためのがん診療ポケットブック AYA世代のがんと遺伝性腫瘍page124-132. 医学書院 2022年4月.
  23. 谷山智子、清水千佳子.固形がんに対する免疫療法と分子標的治療の進歩. 乳がんの分子標的薬と免疫療法の進歩. page162-168. がん分子標的治療 メディカルレビュー社Vol.18 No2. 2021年1月.
  24. 谷山智子、清水千佳子。State of the art reviews and future perspectives、Theme:固形がんに対する免疫療法と分子標的治療の進歩ー乳がんの分子標的薬と免疫療法の進歩ー「がん分子標的治療」18/2 2021年1月号、2020
  25. Colleen Gallagher , Michael Ewer 編。清水千佳子、高島響子、森雅紀(訳)がん医療の臨床倫理 (原題:Ethical Challenge in OncologyーPatient care, research education and economics)医学書院、東京(2020)
  26. 森 雅紀, 奥坂 拓志, 大場 彬博, 星野 早紀, 清水 理恵子, 松永 直子, 冨永 沙耶香, 石原 慧, 山之内 優芽, 針生 志帆, 清水 麻理子, 小板橋 美帆, 西渕 由貴子, 藤森 麻衣子, 丸木 雄太, 柳井 優子, 近藤 俊輔, 高橋 都, 土屋 勇人, 肱岡 範, 森実 千種, 上野 秀樹, 永塩 美邦, 坂本 康成, 桜井 なおみ, 大谷 弘行, 浦久保 安輝子, 岡田 宏子, 竹之内 沙弥香, 浜野 淳, 西島 薫, 清水 千佳子, 森田 達也, 木澤 義之。【膵疾患(膵癌)(慢性膵炎を含む)のサポーティブ・ケア】ビデオを活用したアドバンス・ケア・プランニングのきっかけ作り 膵癌・胆道癌教室の授業開発。膵臓 (0913-0071)35巻2号 Page136-144(2020.04)
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  28. 河村 雪乃、下村 昭彦。誌上ディベート:ホルモン受容体陽性再発乳癌に対しAIと併用すべきはCDK4/6阻害薬か、エベロリムスか「CDK4/6阻害薬を併用すべき」とする立場から。CANCER BOARD of the BREAST Vol.6 No.2 メディカルレビュー社
  29. 河村 雪乃、下村 昭彦、清水 千佳子。特集/変遷するがん治療アルゴリズム―腫瘍内科からみる標準治療の変遷と診療ガイドライン「5.乳がん」。『腫瘍内科』第26巻3号:257-261、2020
  30. 河村 雪乃、下村 昭彦。日本臨牀(増刊)「希少がん」―がん診療の新たな課題― II.希少がん疾患各論男性乳癌。日本臨牀79巻 増刊号 1 (2021年3月31日発行)
  31. 河村 雪乃、森田 翠、西田 真衣子、奥山 結香、中島 晋、増山 守。症例報告:骨転移のない悪性腫瘍随伴高カルシウム血症に対し、denosumabがカルシウム濃度と生活の質を改善し、長期生存を認めた1例。乳癌の臨床 第35巻 第3号(2020)
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  33. 土屋 雅子、高橋 都、清水 千佳子、小澤 美和、樋口 明子、櫻井 なおみ、堀部 敬三。思春期・若年成人期(AYA期)発症がんサバイバーの就労に対する意識と医療施設・事業場での支援ニーズ。癌と化学療法 Volume 46, Issue 4, 691 - 695 (2019)