
トップページ > 診療科・部門 > 診療科(外科系) > 外科 > 研究実績・活動実績 > 2019年度発表論文等一覧



  1. Nohara K, Goto O, Takeuchi H, Sasaki M, Maehata T, Yahagi N, Kitagawa Y.
    Gastric lymphatic flows may change before and after endoscopic submucosal dissection: in vivo porcine survival models.
    Gastric Cancer. 22(4), Jul, 2019.
  2. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Ito K, Mihara F.
    The history of liver surgery: Achievements over the past 50 years.
    Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 4(2), Feb, 2020.
  3. Miura S, Ito K, Takemura N, Mihara F, Kiyomatsu T, Kokudo N.
    Complete remission of multiple liver metastases with only partial response of the primary rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
    Surg Case Rep. 6(1), Feb, 2020.
  4. Kawaguchi Y, Tzeng CD, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Vauthey JN.
    Author response to: Comment on: Performance of a modified three-level classification in stratifying open liver resection procedures in terms of complexity and postoperative morbidity.
    Br J Surg. 107(4), Mar, 2020.
  5. Takemura N, Aoki T, Hasegawa K, Kaneko J, Arita J, Akamatsu N, Makuuchi M, Kokudo N.
    Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma after perioperative management of portal hypertension.
    Br J Surg. 106(8), Jul, 2019.
  6. Aoki T, Kubota K, Hasegawa K, Kubo S, Izumi N, Kokudo N, Sakamoto M, Shiina S, Takayama T, Nakashima O, Matsuyama Y, Murakami T, Kudo M; Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan.
    Significance of the surgical hepatic resection margin in patients with a single hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Br J Surg. 107(1), Jan, 2020.
  7. Kudo M, Ueshima K, Ikeda M, Torimura T, Tanabe N, Aikata H, Izumi N, Yamasaki T, Nojiri S, Hino K, Tsumura H, Kuzuya T, Isoda N, Yasui K, Aino H, Ido A, Kawabe N, Nakao K, Wada Y, Yokosuka O, Yoshimura K, Okusaka T, Furuse J, Kokudo N, Okita K, Johnson PJ, Arai Y; TACTICS study group.
    Randomised, multicentre prospective trial of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) plus sorafenib as compared with TACE alone in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: TACTICS trial.
    Gut. gutjnl-2019, Dec, 2019.
  8. Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka S, Fuks D, Kanazawa A, Takeda Y, Hirokawa F, Nitta H, Nakajima T, Kaizu T, Kaibori M, Kojima T, Otsuka Y, Kubo S, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Kaneko H, Wakabayashi G, Gayet B.
    Validation and performance of three-level procedure-based classification for laparoscopic liver resection.
    Surg Endosc. 34(5), Jul, 2019.
  9. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Hasegawa K, Takayama T, Kubo S, Shimada M, Nagano H, Hatano E, Izumi N, Kaneko S, Kudo M, Iijima H, Genda T, Tateishi R, Torimura T, Igaki H, Kobayashi S, Sakurai H, Murakami T, Watadani T, Matsuyama Y.
    Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Japan Society of Hepatology 2017 (4th JSH-HCC Guidelines) a 2019 update.
    Hepatology Research. 49(10), Oct;, 2019.
  10. Kokudo N, Hara T.
    "History, Tradition, and Progress": The ceremony of 150th Anniversary of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine held in Tokyo, Japan.
    Bioscience trends. 14;13(1), Mar, 2019.
  11. Takemura N, Kokudo N
    Do we need to shift from dye injection to fluorescence in respective liver surgery?.
    Surgical Oncology. 2019.
  12. Kokudo N, Takemura N, Ito K, Mihara F.
    The History of Liver Surgery: Achievements Over the Past 50 Years.
    Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 26;4(2):, Feb , 2019.


  1. 永田宗大, 伊藤橋司, 三原史規, 黒川敏昭, 野崎雄一, 柳瀬幹雄, 田島強, 猪狩亮, 中本貴人, 竹村信行, 國土典宏.
    Liver Cancer(1341-1926)25巻 Page59-63(2019.11)
  2. 斎藤範之、竹村信行、國土典宏.
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)80巻11号 Page2091-2096(2019.11)
  3. 三原史規、竹村信行、國土典宏.
    日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌(1344-8447)25巻2号 Page142-147(2019.07)
  4. 竹村信行、國土典宏.
    【門脈圧亢進症の最新情報】 肝手術と門脈圧亢進症 門脈圧亢進症を伴う肝細胞癌に対する術前処置の適応と切除後の予後.
    外科 (0016-593X)81巻2号 Page120-125(2019.02)
  5. 山田和彦.
    がん周術期の糖尿病マネジメント 外科の立場から.
    月間糖尿病 11:53-56, 2019.
  6. 山田和彦.
    上部消化管領域 食道亜全摘における細径胃管を用いた再建.
    外科 81:408-411, 2019.
  7. 山田和彦.
    すぐに使える周術期管理マニュアル 嚥下困難.
    臨床外科 74:292-294, 2019.
  8. 山田和彦.
    再発、悪化を防ぐ安心ガイドシリーズ 胃がん、食道がん 病後のケアと食事.
  9. 和氣 仁美.
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 8(1345-2843) 80巻9号 1693-1697, 2019.
  10. 住谷隆輔.
    外科 81:974-977, 2019.
  11. 齋藤範之.
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  81巻9号 460-467, 2020.


  1. 竹村信行.
    A Case of Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Cell Auto-transplantation for Painful Chronic Pancreatitis.
    IASGO2019. バンコク, タイ, 10月, 2019年.


  1. 國土典宏.
    ビデオシンポジウム08-1「スーパー外科医たちの高難度手術手技 肝臓外科」.
    第81回日本臨床外科学会総会 2019.11.14-16 高知. 高知, 11月, 2019.
  2. 榎本 直記.
    日本外科学会. 大阪, 4月, 2019.